API support
In case you encounter any issues with our API (e.g., unexpected behavior) that you cannot resolve with our documentation, please send us all relevant information as listed below so we can help you.
Where to get help or send your feedack
If you don't have a dedicated contact person at shyftplan, please reach us via this e-mail address:
Provide helpful information in your query
We ask you to provide all the information below as only then we will be able to properly help you.
Please copy and paste this snippet into your e-mail draft and fill out the details. Feel free to add any insights, screenshots or screenvideos that could help to understand or reproduce the issue. Please don't submit information that you're not allowed to share, and don't include your authentication token.
- Place of execution (did the issue appear directly on developer.shyftplan.com or in a tool of yours?):
- API endpoint (e.g., /api/v1/absences - you can also visit the respective endpoint on developer.shyftplan.com and then copy + paste the URL here):
- Your shyftplan Company ID (here's how to find it):
- Request Payload (as text - the authentication_token should be omitted, but otherwise please give us the full payload that you sent in the request to our server - every key and every value you submitted in your request, including your user_email):
- Response (as text - what was the immediate server answer. Please provide both the status code, e.g. "404", and the full response payload. This payload usually contains an error message that can help us identify the issue):
- Time of occurrence (be as precise as possible, with a date and a time plus your time zone, if you're outside Germany. You can also use the timestamp from the response, if that is easier):
- Observed behaviour (your description of what happened, and where you noticed it - for example in a specific shift schedule on the shyftplan mobile app. If you can, kindly provide the respective IDs. The second best option are exact names of elements: Shift schedules, positions, ...):
- Expected behaviour (your description of what should have happened instead. Do you expect this behaviour because of past experience, examples from other users, ...):
- Alternative behaviour (do you know of other users - please supply their user_email - who don't experience this issue? If so, what do you think are relevant differences? Did the same request work for you in the past? Maybe it worked for your request under other circumstances, e.g. when used for a different location?):
Don't provide this:
- Your authentication_token: We don't need this and we will never ask you for it, as it is the "password" for your access to the API.